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Эксперт/Judge Vitaly Belsky (Ukraine)
Perle Noir Bona-Lee - класс Интермедия/Intermedia class - excellent 1, CAC
Эксперт/Judge Lyudmila Lyashova (Ukraine)
Perle Noir Bona-Lee - класс Интермедия/Intermedia class - excellent 1, CAC
Эксперт/Judge Tatiana Shiyan (Ukraine)
Perle Noir Bona-Lee - класс Юниоров/class Junior - excellent 1, JCAC, JBOB, Best of Breed
Эксперт/Judge Yanova Natalya (Ukraine)
Perle Noir Bona-Lee - класс Щенки/Puppy class - Very Promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy of Breed
Эксперт/Judge Birte Scheel (Denmark)
Perle Noir Bona-Lee - класс Щенки/Puppy class - Very Promising 1, Best Puppy Bitch, Best Puppy of Breed
Эксперт/Judge Šimon Oliver (Serbia)
Perle Noir Bona-Lee - класс Беби/class Baby - Very Promising 1, Best Baby Bitch, Best Baby of Breed